Follow These 3 Steps to Run a Successful Business Breakfast
Scheduling a business event in the morning is a great idea, since most successful employees are morning people. Turning it into a business breakfast is even better, as a meal will energize everyone and get them to participate easier. Choosing to display one or two branded memorabilia, or sharing a few promotional items like Customized Pens in Bulk will only enhance your already huge image, so do it. If this your first time arranging a business breakfast, follow these tips to successfully execute your plan.
- Serve a High-Quality Breakfast
Breakfast is the centerpiece of the event, so make sure the invitees have the best meals and drinks possible. Hire a professional catering company that specializes in breakfast. Ensure they serve prepared dishes, as a food buffet can be too distracting for the meeting. Coffee and tea should be present, as well as other parts of a balanced meal like dairy, fruits, vegetables, etc. Impress guests with more specific directions, such as a classic French breakfast Seattle WA or a “fuller” English breakfast.
- Get Straight to the Point
Most of the attendants will likely be exhausted, still eating their food, or trying to fully prepare themselves for the day ahead. They might feel that a long introductory speech will slow the event’s pacing and demotivate them from the rest of the event. Make sure that whoever starts can avoid the unnecessary introductions and leave the housekeeping to the end. While you are at it, the opening speaker or host should be energetic and positive. With all of these elements, the meeting should start with a bang.
- Encourage Audience Participation
Any thriving business event encourages people to participate and engage with the material or with others. You can do the same with your breakfast meeting by getting speakers who can excite everyone there. If a speaker opens the floor for questions, come up with a few to encourage others to join with their own. Create networking opportunities by encouraging individuals to exchange business cards with strangers after the event.
A business breakfast already turns a typical work event into something more compelling and memorable. Implement these suggestions to create a prosperous time.